




COVID-19 has impacted communities across the entire United States. 我们意识到这可能会给未来的学生申请医学院带来困难. 请参阅下面一些常见问题的答案. 

What is the Admission Committee’s stance on taking Pass/Fail courses?

The 招生 Committee prefers and recommends that all prerequisites be completed for a letter or numeric grade; however, 会否接受个别情况下的及格/不及格成绩. Courses should be completed at a 区域ly accredited college or university.


Online courses are accepted provided they are completed at a 区域ly accredited university, 最好是四年制大学.   

我的活动(服务相关、研究、见习等).)受到新冠肺炎影响, how will the 招生 Committee view this when evaluating my application?

我们将继续全面评估您的申请, keeping in mind that many experiences have been impacted by COVID-19. 将考虑虚拟体验. 期望申请者能够以一种有意义的方式谈论他们的经历. 委员会将继续看好那些表现出长期致力于为社区服务的申请人, 把一个人带出自己的舒适区, 也表明了他们对医学职业的承诺.  


We use AMCAS (American 医疗 College Application Service) for the initial application process. 所有申请者必须在以下地点登记及申请 www.对象为.org/students/applying/amcas. 了解更多有关 OUWB申请流程.


The application deadline for submitting the AMCAS application is November 15. The deadline for submitting the supplemental application is December 15. 访问我们的 招生时间 在网站上 有关重要日期的更多信息.

What are the desired admissions requirements for the OUWB School of Medicine?
  • Meaningful medical activities (including volunteer work, shadowing, etc)
  • 为他人和社区服务
  • 团队合作和领导能力
  • 在学术环境中表现良好的能力
  • 在某一活动或感兴趣的领域(体育)表现出色, 研究, 或其他努力)在当地, 区域, 或者国家级
  • Evidence of intellectual curiosity and a commitment to life-long learning

欲了解更多信息,请访问 OUWB入学要求.

What is the latest MCAT score you will accept for the admission cycle?

MCAT scores should be taken within the last three years prior to applying. The last test administration accepted for each admission cycle is September. 例如, 2025年招生周期(2024年申请), 最早的MCAT考试截止日期是2021年9月. 我们要求最低分数为495分. 


作为一所私人资助的医学院, 招生对所有学生开放, 包括有学历的州外学生,以及与使命相一致的经历和特点, 我们项目的愿景和价值观. 不过, OUWB is strongly committed to improving health outcomes for our Southeastern Michigan community. 因此, 我们希望招聘, 招收, and train students who demonstrate a similar interest in our community.


OUWB will evaluate applications starting at the beginning of the season in July. Although it does not affect your chances of being reviewed and receiving an interview, 建议在这个季节早些时候提交申请. OUWB的截止日期是11月15日th 提交初步申请供考虑.


一旦我们收到您的AMCAS验证申请, 我们将审核您的申请,以确保您符合我们的最低要求,以便收到补充申请. 如果符合条件, you will be invited by email to fill out our supplemental application.


You are able to update your contact information at any time through the AMCAS website. Please make sure to keep all contact information up to date for important communication. Once submitted to AMCAS, we will have the updated information in our 招生 system.

How will I receive notification of my application status for OUWB School of Medicine?

一旦您的文件完成,您将收到电子邮件通知. We pride ourselves on a holistic review process that may take several months, but once a decision has been made we will be in contact with you through email.


申请提交给AMCAS后,主申请的更新将不被接受. You can add updates to your secondary application with OUWB at any time. 登录您的OUWB电子申请系统,点击左侧菜单中的“上传文件”选项. 您可以上传一个Word或PDF文档,详细说明您的更新.





对象为预览考试 是一种标准化考试,提出一系列学生在医学院可能遇到的假设情景,并要求考生评估对每个情景的一系列行为反应的有效性.

Is OUWB requiring applicants to take this exam to be considered for admission?

No. 我们是 高度推荐 that all applicants complete the 对象为预览专业准备考试; it is not required. Results will be reviewed holistically at the 招生 Committee level. 


预习考试考察考生对有效行为和无效行为的认知 九大核心竞争力. 这些能力与OUWB认为必不可少的品质和能力相一致,并为我们提供了您作为申请人的更完整的画面. We believe this will not only enhance our holistic review process, 同时也给申请者展示个人和职业特点的机会. 


How many letters of recommendation are required and who should write them?

Applicants should submit a minimum of three letters of recommendation (maximum of five). 如果你的医疗前咨询办公室提供了一封委员会信,汇集了来自多个来源的反馈, this letter will count as two of your three required letters of recommendation. 所有提交的信件都必须签名, 最好是用信纸, and submitted through AMCAS Letters of Evaluation/Recommendation Service.

We receive many questions about who should write letters of recommendation.  我们强烈建议您选择了解您并能说明您进入医学领域的资格的作者.  最好包括至少一位在你的学习过程中认识你的教员.  不鼓励来自家庭成员和/或朋友的来信.

对象为 的指导方针 for Writing a Letter of Evaluation for a 医疗 School Applicant



We do not offer individual appointments with potential students at this time. 然而, we do offer prospective student webinars and Preview Days year-round. 我们鼓励您收藏 OUWB招生 网站和经常访问. 网络研讨会和预演日的机会将在下面发布 招生活动 随着日期的确定. 

Does the OUWB School of Medicine offer an early decision program?

An early decision program will begin being offered for the 2024-2025 admissions cycle.




The 招生 Committee meets regularly throughout the admissions cycle. 招生委员会的决定是在滚动的基础上做出的,从10月中旬开始,直到班级满员.


是的! We do have a Second Look event for all applicants that have been admitted to OUWB. 邀请函将在初春发给被录取的学生.



OUWB uses the 对象为 Application and Acceptance Protocols for Applicants

国际 & 转移应用程序

如果有职位空缺,OUWB医学院只接受潜在的三年级转学生的申请. 目前没有转学生的空缺. 进一步了解我们的 转学录取流程.
我是一名国际学生. 我可以申请吗??

只有你.S. 公民和永久居民都有资格进入.  没有在美国大学就读的申请人.S. 或加拿大学校应该完成至少一年, 最好是两个, 在地区认可的学院或大学在美国.美国或加拿大. The accredited institution must validate all previous academic credits.



所有的先决条件课程应在地区认可的学院或大学完成.  通过社区大学课程来满足先决条件要求的申请人被鼓励通过在美国地区认可的四年制大学学习这些领域的更高级别课程来展示能力.  具有外国教育证书的申请人应在美国地区认可的四年制大学完成先决条件要求.S.


申请人应至少修满24个大学学分,并具备科学和数学学科的广度和深度.  在这24个学分中,课程必须包括:

  • 1生物化学课程

  • 1门统计学课程(以数学或社会科学为基础)

  • 1个生物、化学或物理的实验室

In addition to the 24 Science/Math credits, applicants must complete: 

  • 1门社会或行为科学课程.

*已收到面试邀请或录取通知书的学生,并希望申请替代课程作为先决条件, 我们要求您提交大学课程目录中的课程描述以及相应的教学大纲,以供审阅 (电子邮件保护).

*We will begin accepting AP credits on a case by case basis for the 2024-2025 application cycle.

Does the OUWB School of Medicine accept online courses for prerequisites?

Since many prerequisite courses include a laboratory requirement, 在线课程将根据具体情况进行审查.

Will OUWB accept community college classes for prerequisite coursework?

是的,OUWB医学院将接受在社区大学修过的先决课程. 然而, 鼓励学生在四年制大学学习额外的高级科学课程,为MCAT和医学院的课程做准备.



我可以申请吗? to medical school if I don't have all my prerequisites fulfilled?

是的, 我们将接受符合我们最低要求的申请,以获得二次申请. All prerequisites will need to be completed prior to matriculation. We recommend not having more than one or two outstanding prerequisite courses.



2024-2025学年的学费为60,277美元. 州内和州外学生的学费是一样的. 请注意,健康保险不收取额外费用, 技术, 停车, 或前往365英国上市官网娱乐中心.


The 365英国上市官网威廉博蒙特医学院 is a privately funded medical school. 无论居住在哪个州,我们都收取相同的学费. 


All applicants given admission to OUWB are eligible for merit-based scholarships. To be considered for need-based scholarships, you must submit the FAFSA with your parental data. 奖学金 will be awarded throughout the application cycle after offers have been made.


财政援助代表将很乐意帮助您解决有关申请财政援助的任何问题. The first step would be completing the FAFSA beginning in December. 您可以通过电子邮件联系金融服务 (电子邮件保护) 或致电(248)370-3611.